煙斗–Servette high class billiard horn stem Tobacco Pip

Servette high class billiard horn stem Tobacco Pipe

Established in Paris and was distributed in the tobacconists in the French capital and everywhere in France.

Mong Kok Shop Address:
Shop 1, 22/F, Pakpolee Commercial Centre, 1A Sai Yeung Choi Street South, Mong Kok, Kowloon, Hong Kong
電話:852 23682335

Sham Shui Po Shop Address:
Shop C G/F, 92 Fuk Wing St., Sham Shui Po, Kowloon, Hong Kong
電話:852 28021822

📲Whatsapp: 852 92830129 👍📮本店設有本地平郵郵寄煙絲服務,詳情請致電或inbox 我們查詢

#煙斗 #煙絲 #煙斗煙絲 #Tobacco_pipe #pipe
